Serve over counters to suit any layout

    Our selection includes serve over counters from trusted and high quality manufacturers such as Pastorkalt, Coreco, and Tavira, which include unrivalled durability. From the compactly designed models like the Pastorkalt Zita 937v and Tavira II 100F, to the larger appliance such as the Coreco Flat Serveover,, each counter offers optimal refrigeration for your needs as well as includes manufacturers warranties as standard.

    Whether you need a curved serve over counter with the ability to offer a wide display or a flat model glass model, you’ll find a product to suit you. With dimensions varying from roughly 100cm to 300cm in width, these counters can fit comfortably into any layout as well as being placed side by side if needed, enhancing not only your chilled display storage capacity but also your customer viewing experience.