Are you running out of floor space? Then the 90cm stainless steel kitchen wall shelf from Diaminox is a fantastic solution. The shelf is designed to safely hold up to 50kg, thanks to the stainless steel construction and heavy-duty wall brackets that prevent movement when used to store heavy goods. This makes it ideal for securely storing anything from large quantities of ingredients to pots and pans without the risk of damage.
This stainless steel construction not only provides excellent durability, but is also easy to regularly clean and disinfect too. This makes keeping the shelf hygienic, and free from harmful bacteria simple.
Product Features
Dimensions 90(W) x 30(D)cm.
Material Stainless steel
Shelf can safely hold up to 50kg of kitchen equipment without using vital floor space
Shelf is easy to install onto most solid walls, allowing for customisable storage
Heavy-duty brackets stop the shelf from moving, preventing equipment from falling
Stainless steel construction provides excellent durability
Stainless steel material also makes the shelf easy to keep clean
Also available in 60cm, 120cm, 150cm and 180cm